The Vagus Connection

Session Type:
You train smart. Do you also recover smart? It is through recovery that the big benefits of training can really add up. They say that what happens in Vagus stays in Vagus – but now the secret is out! The vagus nerve has a massive bearing on how well you recover. The vagus nerve also influences brain function, emotion, mental health, metabolism, and general well-being. It really is the Elvis of nerves. – Please click on the session name for full information.
In this session, you will discover what the vagus nerve is, what it does, and how it impacts your health. You will learn proven strategies to enhance vagal tone and open you and your clients to better recovery and improved quality of life.
Learning outcomes:
• Explore the roles of the autonomic nervous system in exercise and recovery
• Learn the anatomy and function of the vagus nerve
• Apply polyvagal theory in a way that improves your client’s post-session and between-session recovery
• Discover strategies that your clients can use that will dramatically improve the response of their bodies and minds to the ebb and flow of life.

Presented By: Mark Davis

Time: 4.15pm
Date: 06/04/2024
CPD Points: 2